Take the Plunge!


Take the Plunge!

Try Something New!
📸 Credit - Canva

Have you ever wanted to try something new, but you had a lot of reservations, uncertainties, and "What-ifs" going through your mind so you did not give it a try? I am pretty sure we have all been there many times. I know I definitely have. 

I am learning that life is short, so we all need to live it the best way we can, and get the most out of it, as possible. My encouragement to you, my reader, is to take the plunge. Give something new a try. It may just end up being the best decision you ever make. 

Take this Blog, for example. I love to write as a creative way to express myself. This space gives me an outlet to do exactly that. I do not have the next great American novel swirling around in my head....yet. But I can put my thoughts and ideas down on paper or a screen and share them with others. 

I have grown and changed over time, as I am getting older. Cue the butterfly 🦋. The younger me would not have attempted to create and publish this Blog. She would have come up with a list of excuses about why it could not be done.

"I am not a writer", "I can't write something and share it with people", "I don't know what to write about", "I don't have time to do something like that", etc. 

The version of me, now, took the plunge and gave it a try. Will my writing appeal to everyone? Not at all. Will my writing appeal to someone? Absolutely. That person, or people will come back here everyday to find my words and enjoy them.

So, my dear reader, take the plunge. Do something you have always been afraid to do, or have been  held back from doing. Give it a try, and then celebrate yourself when you do. 

Until next time,

Back Road Butterfly 🦋 

#taketheplunge #trysomethingnew #liveyourbestlife


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